
Showing posts from November, 2016

What I'm Reading, Listening to, and Thinking About

Ok, there's been a bunch of books I've listened to on audible since my last post... 1.   Rules of Civility This was ah-ma-zing.  I loved it.  I don't know how you couldn't love it.  But one of my real life friends only gave it two stars on goodreads and I don't know how to feel about that. Rules of Civility tells the story of Katey and Tinker and Eve, three friends who meet randomly on a New Year's Eve night in NYC in the late 1930's. Towles seems to be channeling F. Scott Fitzgerald.  But maybe "channeling" is unfair, he's writing about the same time period, with skill, and a strong voice, but I wouldn't say they are interchangeable.  And maybe that's why some people don't like him.  Maybe  because he isn't Fitzgerald 2. this lady has got it made, or does she... I read another book that was set during this era at the beginning of the year.  That book became grating.  The way that other author was trying so hard t