
Showing posts from July, 2016

Before the Fall

I snagged Before the Fall from my book of the month subscription a couple of months ago.  This is one of those books that generates a lot of buzz.  It seemed to be everywhere: on the blogs I read, featured in Barnes and Noble's window, and on my favorite podcast .   I was not disappointed.   rocking, reading, drinking coffee, and sunshine: #winning This book begins with a plane crash.  A private plane, on a short trip, with important passengers.  The majority of the book is spent uncovering the mysteries generated by the plane crash and learning about the people who were on it.  If you like novels where a pivotal event changes everything, this book is for you.   Because of the title, I was searching for Biblical allusions.  Instead of references to Adam and Eve, I found myself remembering War and Peace (which I just finished this spring).  Not only does much of the description seem reminiscent of Tolstoy's work, but there is even a direct reference to him.  Howeve


Hello there! I'm so glad you stopped by.   My name is Noelle and I love to read.  I have always been a reader, since I was a child.  Growing up, my mom owned a little bookstore in our tiny town in New York state.  Each morning she would pack me up after my brothers and sister got on the bus and we would head to the store.  As a baby I've been surrounded by books, and it has made me a bit obsessive. The smell of a bookstore puts my mind at ease, even now.  When I'm stressed, my preferred form of therapy is book shopping.   <------Also Therapy------> I surprised even my parents with how much I loved to read.  For fun, I would pick up books like Little Women or Gone with the Wind and devour them.  Whenever my parents introduced me to new people my name became, "Noelle, the reader."   As an adult my love of reading has not wavered.  I graduated with an English degree with a focus on Literature (with a capital "L," of cour