
Showing posts from December, 2021

Christmas Time Is Here

 I love Christmas. I don't think you have a choice when your name is "Noelle."  I love the warm moments, sitting by the fire with the Christmas tree glowing, and my sleepy puppy snoring next to me. I love when my kids come home from school buzzing with excitement, looking forward to hot cocoa and Christmas movies before bed. I love that after months of striving and straining in this weary world, I can take a month to reflect that the light of heaven came to earth and all I have to do is welcome him. There is so much to love about Christmas. But the beginning of the month always finds me worn out and kind of depressed. The good intentions, best-laid plans, and rampant consumerism drain me.  Don't get me wrong, I get excited about parties (well...kind of), to-do lists (enneagram 1), and gifts (gifts are my love language for crying out loud).  But I don't love the pressure. This year it felt like it started extra early. All over Instagram influencers were decorating