
Hello there!

I'm so glad you stopped by.  

My name is Noelle and I love to read.  I have always been a reader, since I was a child.  Growing up, my mom owned a little bookstore in our tiny town in New York state.  Each morning she would pack me up after my brothers and sister got on the bus and we would head to the store.  As a baby I've been surrounded by books, and it has made me a bit obsessive.

The smell of a bookstore puts my mind at ease, even now.  When I'm stressed, my preferred form of therapy is book shopping.  

<------Also Therapy------>

I surprised even my parents with how much I loved to read.  For fun, I would pick up books like Little Women or Gone with the Wind and devour them.  Whenever my parents introduced me to new people my name became, "Noelle, the reader."  

As an adult my love of reading has not wavered.  I graduated with an English degree with a focus on Literature (with a capital "L," of course).  After school, I found myself married and living in Maryland.  

My husband and I are raising four kids and discovering all the challenges and joys that come with having a big family.  I have been determined about giving my kids as much access to books as they want (and then, sometimes, more).  Over the years, I have refined my ideas about childhood literacy and ways to get my kids to chose books over screens--no easy task.  I've been at this mothering-gig for twelve years now and I'm still learning and adapting to each new season with my kids.

One of the constants in my life is books.  Before kids, after kids, late night, early morning, travelling, staying at home, in the line at target, I am reading.  

As I prepare to send my baby to kindergarten this fall I thought it would be fun to start a blog dedicated to tracking and sharing all the books I'm reading.  I'm also hoping to improve my writing, so bear with me!

You should know that I'm pretty open about giving any book a try.  Children's Lit and Middle Grade novels are what my kids are into now, so I'm hitting those hard.  But I always have a novel or two going for myself and I throw in some non-fiction here and there.  I'll keep you posted on what I think of the books I'm reading and I hope you'll share your reading lists.
audio books are fun while folding laundry

kindle reading is great for at the pool or waiting rooms
I love hearing new recommendations and having book discussions so please don't be shy about commenting or asking questions.  

I'll be back soon with my first post on Before the Fall.

Happy reading!

even our new puppy is encouraged to read...but then she eats the book so nevermind


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