Reading Recap: March Edition

March was a hard month for my family in many ways.  And, while it's true that books are a kind of therapy for me, sometimes my brain needs to watch a million episodes of a show I've seen hundreds of times (Brooklyn 99 saved me this month).  

I did do some reading this month and spent some time listening to audiobooks.  I also started more than I finished so my April recap should be stellar.  

This is what I read in March:

The Wife Between Us
I really enjoyed this fast-paced thriller.  I had ordered it as my book of the month months ago.  I often get super excited about my pick and then set it aside after it gets here.  But when I circle back to them, I'm always glad I did.  

Also, the owner of my indie bookstore suggested it to me when I expressed my frustrations with The Woman in the Window.  This is why I love going there, the book recommendations are always good.  

It was an intricate plot that kept surprising me.  I don't want to give too much away, but reading it made me wish I had read it with a friend so I could commiserate over every plot twist.  There were so many surprises and I'm difficult to surprise.

"I've learned the danger of failing to observe the things I don't want to behold."

Hallelujah Anyway
I recently put a ton of requests on Overdrive, audible for the library.  This one came up and I listened to it over the course of two days.  

Anne Lamott is one of my favorites.  Her take on spirituality/writing/living soothes my weary soul.  In a world pushing you into worry and fretful attempts to fix oneself, she suggests a strange alternative: being ok with your body and trying to find joy even when things aren't great.  

I needed this breath of fresh air desperately.  And her take on the prodigal son story from the Bible resonated with me deeply.

"My parents, teachers, and the culture I grew up n showed me a drawer in which to stuff my merciful nature, because mercy made me look vulnerable and foolish, and it made me less productive."

The Lost City of Z
After Hallelujah Anyway, The Lost City of Z showed up in my Overdrive bookshelf.  I heard this was being made into a movie and that David Gann is not to be missed.  

I liked it but it's not my usual read.  It was a bit gory and a total adventure story of the quest to prove the case for a spectacular ancient city in the Amazon.  I will definitely read more of Gann--I learned so much and it was never boring.  Still, I doubt I'll be reading tons of nonfiction adventures.  

Reading about people who didn't give up and took huge risks made me feel more courageous and optimistic.  I didn't strike out on a grand quest in March, but I was less likely to be afraid of trying new things. #winning

"...much of the discovery of the world was based on failure rather than on success--on tactical errors and pipe dreams."  

Magpie Murders
My favorite of the month.  This came in my Page 1. subscription box.  It was a fun experience.  You get to tell them about your likes and dislikes and give them your Goodreads handle.  Then, they choose a book for you.  It's a bit more expensive than my usual subscriptions but if the next two months are as good as this month, I may have to splurge and keep it going.  

Magpie Murders was a bit of a puzzle and a complete British cozy mystery.  If you like Agatha Christie and aren't afraid of a challenge, this book is for you.  There was an added layer of complexity and lots of literary mystery references, like Easter eggs, hidden in the text.  It was long but worth it.  

"You must know that feeling when it's raining outside and the heating's on and you lose yourself, utterly, in a book.  You read and you read and you feel the pages slipping through your fingers until suddenly there are fewer in your right hand than there are in your left and you want to slow down but you still hurtle on towards a conclusion you can hardly bear to discover."  (Preach)

What did you read in March?  


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