My Scribbler Box

Subscription boxes are a thing, and I have purchased my fair share.  I love Page 1, Book of the Month, and Fab Fit Fun.  But my favorite is my Scribbler box.

I'm a writer and if you are too, you need to stop and consider this box.  It has improved my writing life and kept me writing even when I was too busy/stressed/emotional/just plain didn't want to do it this spring.  

The other day I was avoiding my writing time and then my kids ran in with with the scribbler box.  I opened it slowly.  So often I rush through the good things in my life--a passing glance at a beautiful sunset, a quick moment of gratitude in the garden that gets interrupted by someone asking me for something, and the joy of opening a package addressed to me.  

I was not going to let that happen.  

Another thing that makes the scribbler box so great is that you don't know what's inside.  It's rare for me to get a box in the mail without prior knowledge of its contents.  And usually, they are boring (baseball socks for my son, floor cleaner that we ran out of, gifts for my kids' friends).  But the mystery of what will be inside the box makes opening it even sweeter.

So, here's what I found:

A cute box that automatically makes me want to run to my computer.

Happy orange crinkle paper and postcard with the details for a writing contest (!!) on the back.

A fantastic coaster for my desk to limit the coffee and iced tea rings that have given my desk so much "personality" (the personality of a slob). 

Each month you get an inside look at the publishing process.  This has been soooo informative for this newbie.  

A book that highlights some of the box's themes with an autographed sticker.  V. cool. 

Coffee that is delicious and helps me write/read more.

Bookmarks for all that reading I can now do thanks to the coffee.  My favorite says "This is where I fell asleep."  #truelife

There is always a writing passport with tips and tricks for the writing life and an invitation to a live talk from an industry insider.  They are both life-changing.  

As a writer who believes in the value of reading as part of my craft, I love this.  This pad gives you a chance to reflect on what you just read and notice what the author did that you liked and didn't like.  

So, there you have it.  Each month there are different goodies but they are always useful and adorable.  My kids couldn't believe how much they packed into one box and I sat there beaming with joy for a minute before I toted everything up to my desk to get to work.  

This is not an ad.  I pay for this box with my own cash money.  It is so worth it.  The variety is great and I learn things that I couldn't learn anywhere else every. single. month.

Do you believe in subscription boxes?  What are your favorites?


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