An Open Letter to Audiobooks

Dear Audiobooks,

I just wanted to write you a little note to tell you that I love you. 
calm smile, a glass of whiskey, eyes closed, Ron knows what's what
You make chores and exercise so much better.  Instead of trudging into the laundry room faced with folding six loads of towels and kids' clothes, I practically prance in there and am left feeling sad when the final sock is matched. 

Time spent in the car used to be an endless changing of channels to find a song that fit the ven diagram of songs I like and songs the kids can listen to.  Now my children remind me that we need to finish our audiobook and drives are spent getting smarter and building connection.  You make me a better parent, audiobooks.  

When I go through difficult times and long silences are just too much, you help me navigate quiet times in the way I used to as a kid: with bedtime stories and stories to fill up the spaces when I just don't want to think about the stress of life.  These escapes are essential and often, in your novels and nonfiction, I find answers I didn't know I was looking for.  

I'll be honest, though.  You're not perfect.  I have listened to some narrators who have swept me up into another time, another place.  But there are others, I'm sure you know the ones, that grate my nerves and make me abandon the audio format.  I shudder when I remember one narrator who I literally yelled at every time I put the book on or another who's accent was like nails on a chalkboard.  

make it stop!!!!
Despite your imperfections, I am grateful.  I know the list of books I finish each year would be much smaller without your help.  The way you elevate my work/travel time makes this enneagram type 1 feel so much more productive.  Without you, I'd probably be watching a lot more TV.  

You are a delight and a gift and I don't know what I'd do without you.  

Yours Truly,


Do you listen to audiobooks?  Who are your favorite narrators?  If you have never listened I highly recommend starting with Trevor Noah's Born a Crime.  It is hilarious and informative and his accent and voices make it a unique experience.  


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