Reading Recap: August Edition

August should be dubbed "anxiety month" around these parts.  My children and I were all suffering from anxiety about the transition that would come on September 3rd: the beginning of school.  

We wanted to make every moment count so we squeezed as much meaning as we could into every single thing we did together.  A trip to the grocery store became a bonding experience where we discussed consumer skills, popping into the library to return books became a family affair in which I could recount with nostalgia all of the library classes they used to go to when they were babies.  We were pretty annoying and terrible. 

When there was an opportunity for rest, we were frustrated we weren't doing more: "What do you mean that we are just going to hang out here, we should go to the movies or make a craft project or do SOMETHING!"  

For a solid month, my kids lamented the change in their sleep schedules and the necessity of homework.  We toyed with the idea of "practicing" waking up but never actually got around to it.  Earlier bedtimes were often threatened, but we couldn't make ourselves follow through on that.  

Despite our fears, the first day of school went off without a hitch.  Sure we were tired and over-emotional but everyone made it through.  
Usually, it's one or the other...sometimes though, we're all crying. 😢 
Despite the weird vibe around here, I also got some reading done.  Not as much as I would have liked but plenty for a summer month with four kids around me at all times and a ton of mom guilt about "living in the moment."  

Here's what I read:

Lock Every Door

This was good.  I mean, not Pulitzer good, but it was just what I wanted.  At one point I was concerned that the story was going in an unlikely direction, but Sager totally faked me out and ended up scaring me real good.  If you need a thriller that requires just a smidge of suspension of belief and is well written and makes you turn the pages like you're flipping through a magazine...look no further than Riley Sager.  I needed to know how this book resolved and it was completely satisfying (and thought-provoking). 

Glass Houses

Another Gamache because I am so close to catching up in the series.  I thought the mystery plotline was put to the side in this book but I literally didn't care because the character development was ON POINT.

I have one more book to go before I get to the newest in the series.  When I finally catch up, I think I'll probably have a good cry and then go listen to the audiobooks just for fun.  Three Pines is a good influence on my world view. 

Saving Winslow

Sharon Creech has written a few books I've read in the past and enjoyed.  When I saw this one was about a miniature donkey I had to get it.  It was a sweet, seemingly simple story.  You can tell Creech loves kids and animals in the way she writes them.  Winslow isn't likely to make it and a little boy and his friends and family rally around the miniature donkey, showing courage and love despite the unfavorable odds.  If you need a quick read that will restore your faith in humanity and give you a little hope, this would make an excellent choice. 

A Curious Beginning

I started reading this for the Modern Mrs. Darcy book club and was totally blindsided.  I looked at the cover and description and rolled my eyes.  Butterflies?  Give me a break.  Well, don't give me a break.  I loved it!  It took me about 20 pages to decide that this would be a great series to read while I'm waiting for more Flavia deLuce books from the beloved Alan Bradley.  It has a similar cheeky tone.  It's not typical historical fiction (Veronica and Flavia would probably be sent to jail for the ways they stand up to the patriarchy), it is highly enjoyable.  

Looking back, it was a month of books that I really enjoyed and wanted to read.  Months like that are what make reading fun.  💕 

What did you read in August?  Link or comment below...


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