Monday Moods

Thanksgiving is behind us, December is ahead of us.  This Monday feels like a new beginning.  Time to roll up my sleeves to get started on all that Christmas stuff.  

Here are my Monday moods:

Things I Love

1.  Holidays with family.  This year was challenging because it's our first Thanksgiving without my dad.  Last year was our first Thanksgiving without my father-in-law.  Sometimes it feels like we've been trapped in the grief cycle for too long.  Despite a week of worry in anticipation of the actual holiday, we had a great time celebrating together.  Together makes grief easier and I need to remember that for the next holiday. 

2.  The Family Upstairs.  This book was perfect for a week of holiday prep work.  It distracted me when I needed it to and the suspense and twisty turny plot kept me going back for a few more chapters instead of going down the black hole of social media.  

3.  My mom.  She came to spend a few days with us and she helped cook, clean, fold laundry, and babysat the kids so we could go see a movie.  Even if she did none of that, I would still be grateful for her sense of humor, the way we can talk for hours, and her hugs!  I'm not taking her for granted.

Normally I only do three, but it was a big week so:

4.  Knives Out.  This movie is so good.  I'm still thinking about it.  The characters are interesting.  The plot is excellent.  The subtle social commentary is just what we need.  Go see it.  Don't wait.  

Things I Don't Love

1.  Cleaning before and after a holiday.  It seems like this kind of work never ends and just when you've vacuumed it's now time to start doing dishes.  We divided the work before our guests came and got a lot done, but now it's Monday and somehow, there is still a lot to get done.  

2.  Spilling coffee on my shirt.  I do this all the time.  Today I poured myself a perfect cup with just enough sugar and just enough half and half and I wanted to savor every sip.  Bam!  1/3 down the front of me.  That will teach me to try to multi task while I'm enjoying my coffee.  


3.  Dry hands.  With all the cooking and cleaning I washed my hands about a million times this week.  My hands are chapped and chafed.  I keep getting paper cuts so if you see me around town, please avert your eyes from my wrecked hands.  And also, share your favorite hand lotions (nothing too fragrant, please) in the comments.  

Those are my Monday moods.  How are you feeling on this first Monday of December?


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