September RWLB

 The leaves are not changing color. There is no chill in the air. And yet here I am: ready and waiting for fall.


I bought this book last year when it came out but I'm reading it now. It's the 16th (...or maybe 17th?) in the Three Pines series. Some books have been better than others but the expereince of really getting to know the characters and place has been an absolute delight.

In this installment, Gamache and his wife are visiting their children in Paris. I was worried I wouldn't like it so much because I'd be missing Three Pines. Instead, seeing the Gamaches in this new city has been a great change of pace and gives the characters new depth and dimension. I'm nearly finished and loving every minute.

This book got some major buzz in May when Jenna Bush Hager picked it for her book club. I bought it because I find my book tastes and Jenna's overlap better than any of the other celebrities with book clubs. I started reading it in June while getting a pedicure and was completely immersed in the story. 

But then, I saw some readers I trust on bookstagram slamming it and DNFing it. I got scared. It's a hefty book and I didn't want to commit all that time on a novel that would leave me frustrated. I put it aside over the summer.

But then, I saw that it was nominated for the Booker prize and I started seeing some much more flattering reviews. I was again swayed (I clearly need to limit my time on bookstagram) and picked it up again. 

So far, I'm finding Shipstead's writing sweeps me away and erases the world around me, dropping me squarely in Hadley or Marian's worlds. It's definitely a commitment, clocking in at nearly 600 pages. Big books don't scare me, though, so I'm determined to see it through. 


My husband and I watched this new series on Netflix and enjoyed it. It wasn't loud or bombastic, I mean, it's about the chair of an English department so...but it was heartwarming and real, funny and true. Sandra Oh does a great job of making the viewer care about her and what's happening around her. There are some great performances by older actors and actresses who play other professors at the college, too. 

The show really paints a striking picture of what life is like for professors who have had to adapt to the internet, changing gender politics, and students who are critical thinkers. While I wanted some of the older professors to get with the times, I also felt empathy for how they must feel about this new academic landscape. 

This is my security show (like security blanket). I go running to Peacock to stream these reruns that make me laugh and let me zone out when life is stressful or hard. I love Arthur with my whole heart and will fight anyone who says this show is a waste of time. 

Do you have a security show? Drop it in the comments. 

Listening to

FM radio
My daughter was in a car accident (everyone's fine, it's ok) a few weeks ago and I'm driving a rental car while her car gets fixed. She gets my minivan because she's under 21 and can't drive a rental. 

Anyway, it's a perfectly lovely rental car, but it doesn't have XM radio. So I've figured out my local stations and have been driving around feeling like I'm 17 again. 

I had forgotten how many commercials there are on FM radio. And, it seems like every station has a program where you can call in and talk about relationship problems. The problem is always interesting, but the advice the DJs give is maddening. 

I'm looking forward to getting my minivan back in October.

Classic Disney 
I took a Peloton class with Cody where he played all Disney music. It took me back and put a huge smile on my face.

When I'm making dinner or getting ready, nothing hypes me up more than a little "Why Should I Worry" from Oliver and Company or "A Whole New World" from Aladdin. 

I grew up on these movies and their music still pops the kids today would say. 


I bought these shoes so I could take the dog out or walk around the house in comfortable shoes that were not slippers. I fully recognize they are ugly. They are comfortable and practical and so beauty was not a criteria. 
These on the other hand, are very pretty boots. I needed a new pair of black boots and I found them during a TOMS sale. I can't wait to dance around in the leaves in these!! 

I know it's so basic, but I can't help myself. I'm currently burning a pumpkin spice candle in my house and I have about three other scents locked and loaded when that one is done. Candles make me feel peaceful, I don't care what anyone else thinks! Just ask my kids: they blow them out, I light them again. I cannot be detered!

What are Reading, Watching, Listening to, and Buying this month? Leave a comment to continue the conversation. 


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