Monday Moods

Ready or not, it's Monday again.  The weather is crisp and fallish and my kids are in school.  🙌

Here are my Monday moods, don't forget to leave a comment telling me about yours.

Things I love

1.  People who comment on posts.  In my previous post, I'm hosting a giveaway, with only one comment so far.  Go over there and add yours.  I love commenting on blogs because it adds to the conversation and most of the time I get a response, which makes me feel included in the online book community and scratches my itch for book talk. 

2.  Not walking the dog.  I mean, I take my dog on short little walks.  She's a big dog and long walks are a challenge.  Today I'm spending time walking in my neighborhood without the dog and loving every minute of it.  I can go faster and listen to audiobooks without judgment from Ruby's big brown eyes.  Without her, I'm really able to notice the beautiful trees in our neighborhood and no one is trying to pull me into oncoming traffic.  I actually feel relaxed after a long walk. 

3.  Pizza.  This seems obvious.  I hadn't had pizza in a looooong time.  When I was a kid I looked forward to pizza every week on Friday like clockwork.  My husband does not like eating the same thing week after week so our family doesn't participate in this glorious cheese and sauce tradition.  All week I was craving pizza.  Last night we decided to go get some and I felt honest to goodness joy about this.  It's got all the best things (bread, cheese, red sauce) and you can add meats and veggies to it.  I devoured that pizza and I'm still thinking of it lovingly. 

Things I don't love

1.  Laundry.  A family of 6 generates so much laundry.  I can't seem to find a way to stay on top of it.  For the last few weeks, I've been saying, "I can't do it all.  If one thing has to go it's laundry."  And now we have no clean clothes and the laundry room looks like a terrifying jungle of nasty socks and twisted bedsheets as far as the eye can see.  Today I have to go in there and face my fears. 

2.  Sneaky teenagers.  I know it's normal but I just don't like it.  When teens try to sneak around it makes my job much harder.  This weekend we hosted my daughter's friends for a post homecoming sleepover and two of the girls were going to sneak out to go to a neighbor's wild party (why do parents let their kids throw ragers in 10th grade????).  Anyway, I had a hunch so I sat in the kitchen reading and their plan was thwarted.  Then, we discovered my daughter had signed up for various social media accounts without permission.  #notcool Time to get to the work of parenting...

3.  Writing questions while reading.  This unique experience happens when you are a Battle of the Books coach.  You get a list of 12 really great middle-grade books that your team needs to read and then you have to generate questions on each book to quiz your team.  The books are so good but writing questions while I'm trying to get immersed in the story is a challenge.  I'm torn between really wanting to read the books for the story but not wanting to read the books because I have to think of questions.  Sigh.  These are the sacrifices I make for my team, I guess.  

What are your Monday moods?  


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