Monday Moods

It's Monday and I'm running around here like a boy with a bag of bread being chased by a flock of chickens (see gif below).  This weekend I confused volleyball tournament times and that made me feel like I need to recalibrate and actually read my emails thoroughly again.  Today was full of logistics and I'm ready for bed.  *sigh*  

Image result for running through life gif

Things I Love
1.  The trees.  I don't know if I'm looking around more or this year has been extra great but the foliage around these parts has been spectacular.  I love watching the gradual progression.  A little orange here and there, a little more, boom--the most vibrant orange I've ever seen.  I think I might be annoying my friends and family a little but I don't care--HAVE YOU SEEN THE TREES?

2.  American Eagle.  When we went back to school shopping in September I got a few sweaters and long sleeve t-shirts too.  I put them away and thought, "Future Noelle will thank me."  And now, I would like to thank Past Noelle for getting those tops.  They are soft and pretty and I love them.  Next month I will head back to the mall to do Christmas shopping and you can bet I will hit AE hard.  It's not just for teens, but also for the moms of teens.

3.  Going out for dinner on Monday night.  Tonight we had a bunch of activities and emotions were running high so we went out for burgers.  My kids burned popcorn and it smelled gross in the house.  Leaving for a few hours to regroup and let someone else cook was just what I needed to close out this Monday on a good note.  Goodnight, well, almost.  

Things I Don't Love
1.  Cheap candy.  I mean, I'm loving it and eating it.  But then I get these terrible breakouts on my chin.  I give the candy up for a while and the breakouts go away so then I think, "hmmm, maybe this time..."  But alas, every single time I eat cheap candy my skin revolts.  You can clearly see this vicious cycle will not end until Easter when the last of the candy gets tossed out.

2.  Taking Ruby for walks.  This season may be the most difficult to walk our 95-pound dog.  She loves chasing cars and squirrels and has nearly taken my arm off more than a dozen times.  If she's not trying to attack a defenseless woodland creature, then she's freaking out over the leaves that swirl in the wind.  It's like she can't figure out what strange magic makes the leaves fly around and she is OUT.  She lunges for the door to get back inside where she can be safe from these fallish ghosts trying to haunt her.  If you have any dog walking tips please pass them along.  I'm sick of having to reek of icyhot because my shoulders are wrecked every day.

3.  My kids burning popcorn in the microwave and leaving the kitchen a mess after baking.  I try to be pretty laid back with my kids.  They all love cooking and baking so I try to facilitate that.  But during these busy weeks, it seems like they make a mess and leave it just to spite me.  This weekend they tried to make popcorn in the microwave and burned it.  This is not a fun smell.  I'm revoking everyone's kitchen privileges until after Christmas.  Ain't nobody got time for that.  

Yay!  I got this post done before midnight on Monday!  #winning right?  Leave a comment with your Monday moods, dog training tips, and anything else you want to tell me.  


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