Monday Moods

Well, it's Wednesday so that should pretty much tell you all you need to know about my Monday.  


Let's get to it...

Things I Love

1.  Finishing big, long books that are also classics and are also wonderful.  Last weekend I finished East of Eden and I'm still riding that high.

2.  Having dinner in the oven at 9am.  I love doubling recipes and slow cooking things.  Tonight it's pulled pork and I cannot wait.  Already I've over planned the hours of 4-7pm since I won't have to do much to get a meal for six people on the table.  


3.  Reading my son's writing.  My son is 8 and in 3rd grade.  This is the first year that he kind of likes reading and writing.  The papers and stories he brings home from school show his sense of humor and developing skill and I look forward to each one.  He invited me to visit his classroom next week and also asked for a ham sandwich from Subway.  He wrote a story that began with this line: I walked out of a bank with a million dollars.  Wait, let me go back.  I am here for this.  

Things I Don't Love

1.  My to-do list.  It feels like we are entering that time of year of holidays and parties and gifts and menus.  I have about five to-do lists going every day and I'm only ever able to get a few things done off of each one which leaves me feeling like I got nothing done.  Add to this Nanowrimo pressure and I'm just super fun to be around these days...

2.  Incompetence.  Piggybacking off of my number one thing I don't love this week, is the fact that I've been noticing the incompetence of my family members (most notably, my children) when it comes to living life.  I don't think I should have to tell a 15-year-old to wear a coat when it is 18 degrees out.  It is unreasonable for me to be smelling the breath of four kids EVERY MORNING when this is a skill we've been working on since they were one.  If only they would do the things that normal human beings do so I can get back to my to-do list I think I would experience a deep and lasting joy.

My kids when I ask them to brush their teeth after they wake up

3.  Required reading.  I'm in a few groups where we read books and discuss them.  I'm coaching my daughter's Battle of the Books team.  All of this is required reading and it really brings me down.  When I get time to read it is usually extra, so I want to read something fun or of my own choosing.  Required reading makes me feel like I'm in a straight jacket and I've sacrificed my free time.  This feeling comes and goes though because I do like discussing and usually post discussion, I'm grateful for the reading.  ***see number 1: "I'm just super fun to be around these days." 

Those are my Monday...or Wednesday...moods.  What are you feeling this week?  


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