Monday Moods

It's a big Monday...the Monday before Thanksgiving.  This week is full: of shopping, of cleaning, and of celebrating.  I will not let all the work ahead of me rob me of the joy of eating a big, delicious meal with the people I love.  So, yay Monday!

Here's what I love:

1.  Tea tree oil body wash from Trader Joe's.  I love tea tree oil and this body wash is great, light and clean and smells great.  

me when I open 

2.  Christmas decorations.  Even though we haven't had Thanksgiving yet, we put our tree up on Sunday.  At church, the pastor said Christmas Eve is only a month away and I was like ok, I'm doing this.  We didn't decorate it yet, but having the tree with soft white lights makes us all feel a little more peaceful.  I love coming down in the morning to see the tree all lit up.  Don't @ me.  Christmas is a lot of work and I want a full month of enjoyment, thank you very much.
my third child contemplating a Christmas village.  I am v. proud, she is just like her mother. 

3.  Family visits.  My mom is coming to visit for the holiday.  My brother and sister-in-law and their two little ones will stay with us too.  I love this.  It's a lot of prep work, but when everyone is here, the house is full of love and I feel so peaceful.  This will be our first Thanksgiving without my dad and I know there will be big feelings and tears, but grief is best handled together and I'm ready for a few days of laughing and crying with the people I love.  

Here's what I don't love:
1.  Having to tell my kids to do things 1,000 times.  I keep repeating myself and this is not ok.  My time on earth is limited, I do not enjoy repeating the same phrases over and over again.  "Brush your teeth."  "Clear your plate."  "Pick up your socks."  "Why isn't anyone listening to me???"

2.  Missing my alarm.  This morning I overslept and had five minutes to rush downstairs to teach at 5:30am (if you don't know, I teach kids in China each morning through VIP Kid).  It was stressful.   Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

3.  End of the month pressure.  This is the week I start to panic about all the books I wanted to read this month and how many I actually read.  These numbers are usually vastly different.  I have three books that I'm more than halfway through but with the holiday I'm not sure how much I'll actually read.  I don't like the way I save this all up and then freak out.  Maybe next month I can bring awareness to this and skip the negative self-talk.  Only time will tell...

These are my Monday moods.  What are you feeling this holiday week? 
Happy Thanksgiving, to you and yours!


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